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En plus de deux décennies d’innovation en matière d’achats, nous avons appris que chaque entreprise a ses propres défis et exigences. C’est pourquoi Synertrade propose une approche modulaire et évolutive pour votre processus d’achats.

Partagez vos besoins avec nos experts, nous pouvons vous aider à trouver la meilleure solution.

    Sign up for a demo, you will be contacted soon!

    Data processing

    In application of the French law n°78-17 of January 6, 1978 on data processing, files and freedoms, as amended, and of the General Data Protection Regulation (RGPD), you have the right to access, rectify and delete your personal data as well as the right to portability, opposition and limitation of your data.
    You may exercise these rights by sending a request, with proof of your identity, by mail to the following address: 1120 Avenue of the Americas - 4th Floor - New York - NY 10036, or by writing to us at the following e-mail address: moc.e1722054608dartr1722054608enys@1722054608opd1722054608.
    You also have the right to complain to the data protection authority in your country of residence about the way in which Synertrade collects and processes your Data. To find out more, you can refer to our personal “Data Protection Policy”.